I have truly been blessed to have such a wonderful in-law family. Most of the time when it comes to wedding planning you hear of "Monster-in-laws", in-laws who have too many opinions, in-laws who don't really help at all, etc. Not this lucky lady! I have fabulous in-laws!
Henry's mom is the best mother-in-law-to-be I could have ever been blessed with. Henry really takes after his mom, she is like the female version of him. She is not this prissy girly-girl. She is your true southern, down-to-earth, sweet-as-can-be mother! Ever since I have met her, she has treated me like another one of her own. The best thing about her, NO DRAMA! She is just so chill and kind-hearted - and very easy to please. I love her to death - can you tell?
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Henry's Dad, Herman - Henry's Momma, Blondie - and ME! The wonderful day we both received our Aggies Rings!! WHOOP! |
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After dating only 5 months - Henry's parents paid for us to go on a month long vacation through New Mexico & Colorado - with the last stop being a week in Vegas and a Hummer Limo. WOOHOO! This is a pit-stop along our scary, narrow, side of the mountain drive. So pretty! |
Henry's sister, Audrey, who is now a bridesmaid has become one of my very good friends. I remember the first holiday at his parent's house his Mammer (who I had no idea who she was at the time) comes walking up to the house as we stand on the front porch and hugs me, greeting me as if she has known me forever - then she calls me Audrey. Henry laughs and informs his Mammer I am not Audrey, but his girlfriend. Mammer squints her eyes, says, "Oh! HAHA! Sorry. You look just like her!" - Henry then tells me his Mammer is losing her eye-sight, apologizes, and we laugh. I do feel Audrey and I have a lot of similarities - personality-wise and body-type wise. What I especially love is Audrey's care-free attitude as well, just like her Momma. Not to mention she is down-right HILARIOUS! She also has been so eager to help through this whole wedding process and I adore her!
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New Years 2010 out at Henry's parent's ranch in Hico - Herman & Audrey. <3 |
Henrys aunt, once-removed?, Terri has also been fabulous! Terri is the mother to one of Henry's closest cousins, Randy - who is a groomsmen. Terri has been my constant motivator to work out - we lately have been doing pretty good. I think we have been working out at least 3 times a week together. See, I am great at doing what I want to do, when I want to do it. Working out - eh - the idea of a great body sounds fabulous, the motivation to keep at it, not so great. I mean, who doesn't want to plop on the couch after a long day of work and munch on some fatty-goodness???? Apparently, Terri! Because before I get off work I almost ALWAYS have a text from her, "Zumba?" "Beach Body Workout?" "Track?" "Gym tonight?" LOL - God do I love her for that {I am sure Henry does too}. Now besides being my personal motivator to be in good shape, she is Mrs. Do-It-All - Anything I need help with, or anyone for that matter, she some magical way, finds time to do it all! With a smile I might add. Addressing/labeling/stuffing/sealing Save-the-Dates? DONE! Wedding invitation class? DONE! Making invitations? DONE! Bachelorette Party? DONE! She never ceases to amaze me - along with every other woman in Henry's family - for the most part. :-D
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Terri & Randy, Henry's cousin/groomsman |
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Terri & Henry at our Ring Dunk Party! |
Henry's cousin, Megan, is the most recent addition to the Bridesmaid clan! Megan is in 10th grade currently, she is like my new found best-friend, despite the age difference {Which just dawned on me - it's almost a 10 year age difference! HOLY MOLY that made me feel old}. Almost every time Terri and I go to the gym, Megan is picked up along the way and dragged with us. :-) Luckily we live so close together. I am also SO THANKFUL she is crafty too! We have made
Crayon Art <----tutorial found there----together, I roughly taught her how to make a tutu which she beautifully made, and she will later be helping me make 2 for flower girls. She is my soon-to-be new scrapbooking buddy {just took her to Hobby Lobby to get materials}. She helped address/label/stuff/seal Save-the-Dates along with Terri. She will be taking the Invitation class with me along with Terri, Audrey and Blondie. And last for now, but definitely not least, she will be putting those newly learned skills to the test to help me MAKE the actual invitations with the above mentioned crew - plus my Seester. She is a sweetheart like all the other Johnson women.
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Cute Lil Megan! More photos will be available after this weekend :-) |
So like I said, I have a truly amazing in-law family! They aren't over-bearing, rude, or overly dramatic - they just love having a good time and are eager to help where they can. I am very blessed! Which is great to have since I live 5 hours away from my own family - that makes their part harder to help with the distance. My sister has been exceptional though despite the distance, we talk on the phone, text each other - and don't forget the almighty Pinterest! She pins away on that sight with, "Hey! Go look at all the stuff I pinned on Pinterest today! We should do that!" - She is my ultimate best-friend and the best seester EVER - Period. End of story.
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Seester & I on Spring Break Vacation! |
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Seester and I wearing nasty hats! Yuck! |
Now I wish I could adopt my co-worker too - her daughter who is also my friend, is also getting married rather soon! Unfortunately, they are in similar situations. My co-worker lives up here in the DFW area, her daughter/my friend, just recently moved to Houston with her fiance. My co-worker and I talk about wedding stuff all the time! Constantly brainstorming ideas, figuring out stuff we forgot, helping each other find deals on items - not to mention she has like a little notebook and every time we think of stuff she says, "Oh! That's a good one! I need to make sure I tell L----". She is so on top of everything for her daughter! I mean, they literally wouldn't need to hire a wedding coordinator because she is just organized beyond belief. I mainly love how she doesn't let the distance affect her involvement in her daughters wedding - no matter how far away, she is constantly calling vendors for her, thinking of stuff, doing whatever she possibly can. So - after L----'s wedding, I may steal her. lol
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Co-workers Daughter, L, myself, & other co-worker, Stephanie out on one of our many girls nights watching Whiskey Meyers in concert, Downtown Fort Worth |
Needless to say, I am one lucky gal! I have a lot of wonderful people involved in my wedding - whether small or big, one time or the whole time, they all mean a lot to me - and I appreciate every small second, even if it wasn't mentioned above. :-)
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