Total weight gain? Won't go to the doctor for another 3 weeks and still don't have a scale at home.
Maternity Clothes? None yet, however the bump is growing and I have purchased some daily leggings and tunics to come in the mail from Victorias Secret. I don't know why, but I am really not wanting to buy actual maternity clothes. Ugh! I want the bump, but not the maternity clothes lol.
Stretch Marks? None.
Sleep: Sleep is becoming a bit restless and I am up at 6:45 am almost every morning due to the bladder.
Best moment this week: Getting to see Baby J again!!! You can read all about the experience with sono photos HERE: 14 WEEK SONO. Man I do I love this little baby!
Miss Anything? Still missing alcohol. With the summer months coming up and all the pictures of Mojitos and Sangria...I feel tortured!
Movement: No movements. Watching the sono and seeing Baby J move SO MUCH I can't believe I didn't even feel a flutter.
Food cravings: Fruit cravings are back. We have been making fruit dishes galore. Such as Belgian waffles with sliced strawberries, blackberries, and banana slices topped with powder sugar. YUM! Then craving lemon water, lemonade, and this amazing Kool-aide that I can't seem to find: Watermelon Cherry!! Luckily, I have 3 packets still left.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope! Yippee!
Gender Prediction: Baby Girl.
Labor Signs: Too soon
Symptoms: Other than the baby bump slowly growing, and slight memory loss, I have been beyond HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!
Belly Button in or out? Innie
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy Happy!!
Looking forward to: Our Gender Reveal Party on April 13th thanks to a wonderful friend Marina!
Baby Names? Still have to be Henry the 3rd for a boy. Then baby girl options seem to be narrowing down to Adaleine and Adalena. We did a poll the other day asking which people liked most: Adaleine (Add-uh-line) seemed to win. We love both names. Adalena (Add-uh-Leen-uh) was a little German girls name from our Honeymoon, but my nickname in Germany was "Heatherleine", so Henry thought of the idea of taking Adalena to Adaleine. The "Leine" on the ending is suppose to mean something like "little love". I am leaning toward Adalena though since it is purely original.
Thoughts: I still can not get over how developed our baby was at 14 weeks. It really got me to thinking about all this abortion stuff. I am all for abortion if it is rape (police report to prove it) or medically necessary (doctors note to prove it), but if some girl just decided not to keep her legs closed, NO MA'AM! Especially if it is later in the pregnancy. Did you know they allow abortions even if the baby is near 24-28 weeks!!!!??? Partial Birth Abortion is what it is called. They deliver the baby only to the head, a slit is made in the back of the head, and a suction tube is stuck into the head to suck all the "Product of Conception's" brain out, skull is crushed, then the rest of the baby is delivered and disposed. WTF!?!?! Ugh! Now I am not going to post up with a sign and crucifix outside of an abortion clinic, but it has got me thinking.
I love this!! And I love that you have a pic with Henry in one of the bump pics!! SO.STINKIN.SWEET!!!! love you girl!
ReplyDeleteAwe! Thank you! :-) We decided to make it a weekly thing. They say the husbands change so much too during pregnancy and thought it would be a great way to see how we both change. lol
DeleteHi! Im so glad i found your blog! Im due sept 5th with my first so ill be following right along!!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations!! That is close to my due date! Very exciting! Glad to have you. :-)