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Taken Ladies {There is a Single Ladies version if you click the button above :-)}
1. How long have you and your significant other been together?
We met 2/26/2012 & have literally been attached at the hip ever since - sooo coming up on 3 years! However, our engagement anniversary is 4/24/2010 - so going on two years of engagement here shortly! WHOOP!
2. How did you meet? {What's your "love" story?}
We met one fateful night on the infamous College Station, TX Northgate!! Henry saw an old friend & myself dancing dreadfully at Daisy Dukes just as my friend slipped & busted her butt! As we drunkenly (yes I know how classy & romantic - we were in college, just turned 21, stop judging. :-P haha)....drunkenly stumbled over to the carpool line (aka volunteer organization of sober students who drive drunk students home) where Henry just happened to stumble over to also!! He saw my friend & immediately said, "Hey! You're the girl who ate it!" Then he plopped down next to me on a concrete bench behind the Dixie Chicken & started up a conversation. An hour + later after laughing & talking like old friends, Henry whipped out his phone & asked for my name - not my number. Odd? Followed by, "Ill find you on Facebook!" lol Next morning = friend request from Henry - talked via FB for a week, met up at my roommates party the next Friday, hit it off wonderfully & were attached at the hips from then on! The love story continues....
3. If married, how long have you been married? If not, is this the guy you hope to marry? {do tell}
I hope to marry him, & grow old & wrinkly with him too!! We are currently talking about being 80 years old, one of us in the hospital & sneaking out or playing chess lol Literally, as I type this, he is talking. haha
4. If you are married, where did you get married at? Big or small wedding? If not, where would you like to get married? And will it be big or small?
Getting married October 13, 2012 - We are getting married at Double Creek Crossing in Caldwell, TX - perfectly in between both families! We hope to have ~150 guests.
5. Do you have any nick-names that you call one another? Do share!
Not any serious ones - we aren't the "sweetie" "honey" "baby" kind of couple & if I put our joking ones, you'd think we hated each other. So - nah, no nicknames :-D
6. Name 3 things you love most about your honey.
He is honest - brutally honest I might add
He is my true Country Boy - aka fishing/hunting/four-wheeling/bonfire/truck loving country boy
He has the same strong passion to explore & understand other cultures as much as I do!
7. Tell us how he proposed? Or your ideal proposal?
Well this is a long one - sorry! haha
Henry had planned to propose to me on April 23, 2010 due to my favorite number being 23 and I always make a big deal anytime anything is 23. Sadly, I was in the hospital that night & all his long hard planning had to be post-poned. Saturday, my girlfriends & I had plans to get ready together for a thing called "Ring Dance". After getting our hair done Danni told me she wanted to go take pictures by the Dixie Chicken where a friend recently had gorgeous bridal portraits done. I thought taking photos was a brilliant idea because I am really big into scrapbooking. Danni, Lauryn, & I finished our make-up & getting ready at Danni's while my mom, dad, sister, Trevor, Henry, & Cody all waited patiently.
Henry & I rode separate from everyone & pulled up behind northgate. I texted Danni, "Okay right now, while we are out taking photos would be perfect for a proposal! Friends, Family, all dolled up. Gah!" She replied, "I know :( I'm sure he will plan something amazing!" I said to her, "I know, but I want a ring now lol".
Everyone had beat us there & were waiting behind the Dixie Chicken. As Henry & I walk up, some guy is leaning against his car texting & looks as if he is waiting for someone. We go off to the side & start hugging while what I thought was everyone else discussing where they wanted to take photos first. Henry & I have a habit of keeping each other very entertained, even when in a big group, & spend a lot of time talking to each other. haha Henry said he loved me, & I said I loved him too, Henry then says "You know this is the spot where we met, right?", I smile & reply, "UH HUH, I love you so much!" gave him a kiss, he then began to get down on one knee. I immediately began shaking & tearing up. My friends later told me I had said, "No! No you aren't! No you aren't". I could not believe that what I had just been telling Danni, what I had dreamed of, was now becoming reality. Henry asked with the ring in his hand "Will you love me forever?". Without looking at the ring, both of us tearing up, I grabbed his face with a huge smile & said "YES" & pulled him up to give him a kiss. He then said with a smile, "Will you change your facebook status to engaged with me?" just like he had when we first started dating & put the ring on my finger. That is when I realized the odd guy texting was a photographer he had hired to take photos & everyone had already known the whole time that he was going to propose. To make things better, Henry's mom, dad, & two nieces came out from hiding, as well as friends Emily and Kristin. (They had been waiting since 6 pm for us to show, but since I didn't know anyone was waiting, we took our sweet time getting ready & they waited patiently in hiding hehe) It was a dream come true to have friends & family present, as well as a photographer to take amazing photos, in the exact spot where it all began.
Well this is a long one - sorry! haha
Henry had planned to propose to me on April 23, 2010 due to my favorite number being 23 and I always make a big deal anytime anything is 23. Sadly, I was in the hospital that night & all his long hard planning had to be post-poned. Saturday, my girlfriends & I had plans to get ready together for a thing called "Ring Dance". After getting our hair done Danni told me she wanted to go take pictures by the Dixie Chicken where a friend recently had gorgeous bridal portraits done. I thought taking photos was a brilliant idea because I am really big into scrapbooking. Danni, Lauryn, & I finished our make-up & getting ready at Danni's while my mom, dad, sister, Trevor, Henry, & Cody all waited patiently.
Henry & I rode separate from everyone & pulled up behind northgate. I texted Danni, "Okay right now, while we are out taking photos would be perfect for a proposal! Friends, Family, all dolled up. Gah!" She replied, "I know :( I'm sure he will plan something amazing!" I said to her, "I know, but I want a ring now lol".
Everyone had beat us there & were waiting behind the Dixie Chicken. As Henry & I walk up, some guy is leaning against his car texting & looks as if he is waiting for someone. We go off to the side & start hugging while what I thought was everyone else discussing where they wanted to take photos first. Henry & I have a habit of keeping each other very entertained, even when in a big group, & spend a lot of time talking to each other. haha Henry said he loved me, & I said I loved him too, Henry then says "You know this is the spot where we met, right?", I smile & reply, "UH HUH, I love you so much!" gave him a kiss, he then began to get down on one knee. I immediately began shaking & tearing up. My friends later told me I had said, "No! No you aren't! No you aren't". I could not believe that what I had just been telling Danni, what I had dreamed of, was now becoming reality. Henry asked with the ring in his hand "Will you love me forever?". Without looking at the ring, both of us tearing up, I grabbed his face with a huge smile & said "YES" & pulled him up to give him a kiss. He then said with a smile, "Will you change your facebook status to engaged with me?" just like he had when we first started dating & put the ring on my finger. That is when I realized the odd guy texting was a photographer he had hired to take photos & everyone had already known the whole time that he was going to propose. To make things better, Henry's mom, dad, & two nieces came out from hiding, as well as friends Emily and Kristin. (They had been waiting since 6 pm for us to show, but since I didn't know anyone was waiting, we took our sweet time getting ready & they waited patiently in hiding hehe) It was a dream come true to have friends & family present, as well as a photographer to take amazing photos, in the exact spot where it all began.
8. Is he a flowers and teddy bear kind of guy for v-day, or strawberries, champagne, and rose petals?
Seeing as how my fiance REFUSES to buy me flowers except on 3 rare occasions {he thinks it is a waste of money} he is more of the champagne, surprise massage/hotel, fancy dinner kind of guy.
9. Are you a sunset dinner on the beach kind of girl, or pop a movie in and relax on the couch?
When I lived closer to the beach, I would prefer sunset picnic on the beach - but living in the middle of Texas has happily made me a movie-in/relax on the couch kind of girl :-)
10. Tell us one thing you'd like to do with your significant one day. If you could do anything? Go anywhere?
I would love to live in another country - preferrably in Europe! Learn a new language too - which we are learning Italian together! Yippee!
11. Tell us what you plan on doing on this Valentine's Day.
On Valentines day we don't really have plans {other than opening a bottle of champagne & cooking together, which we LOVE doing} since it is a Tuesday & he works {boo} but we do plan on celebrating the following weekend with hopefully a fancy dinner to Christopher's World Grille in good 'ole College Station, TX!
On Valentines day we don't really have plans {other than opening a bottle of champagne & cooking together, which we LOVE doing} since it is a Tuesday & he works {boo} but we do plan on celebrating the following weekend with hopefully a fancy dinner to Christopher's World Grille in good 'ole College Station, TX!
12. Are you asking for anything this Valentine's day?
I would just like to have him home! He has been working in South Texas a lot during the week, so it would be nice to have him home - other than that, nope.
I would just like to have him home! He has been working in South Texas a lot during the week, so it would be nice to have him home - other than that, nope.
13. Give us one piece of advice on keeping a relationship strong and full of love.
Honesty & always keep that kid mentality! You are never too old to watch cartoons, play board games & be goofy with each other! Favorite quote: "Anyone can be passionate, but it takes real lovers to be silly" - Rose Franken That quote pretty much sums it up perfectly.
14. Show us a picture of what love means to you.
Honesty & always keep that kid mentality! You are never too old to watch cartoons, play board games & be goofy with each other! Favorite quote: "Anyone can be passionate, but it takes real lovers to be silly" - Rose Franken That quote pretty much sums it up perfectly.
14. Show us a picture of what love means to you.
Tell us your love story!! Link up here:
Feel free to leave a comment sharing your Love Story Link too!
Yay for your first ever Link Up! I love the pic at the end! It is definitely you guys. Miss you!!
ReplyDeleteIt was fun! Thanks for the inspiration! :-)
DeleteI miss you terribly! Definitely need to keep me posted weekends you're in town so we can at least get coffee or cookout! :-)
Aww.The two of you look cute together. Great love story! God bless the both of you in your lives together as husband and wife. :') I was really inspired after reading your post.
ReplyDeleteThat was really sweet! I am so glad I could inspire you in some way :-) Glad you stopped by :-)