Sunday, September 15, 2013
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Monday, August 26, 2013
37 Weeks
My next choices are The Gap/Old Navy. I have really only ordered tank tops from there and again, true to pre-pregnancy size. However, for 3rd trimester I recommend going up one size, the belly region can get tight. :-)
Hands and Feet hurt REALLY bad. Especially my knuckles. They ache and almost feel like bruises to open and close my fingers. It is worse when I wake up first thing, but they get better during the day. I don't know if I am just clenching my fists or something in my sleep, but regardless. THEY HURT!
Ligament spasms? They are super loose in my groin area and sometimes spasm or cramp as I am walking. It feels hella weird and kind of unpleasant.
Braxton Hicks! Yay.
Very small bladder...very. small.
Baby hiccups
If I don't take my prenatal vitamin at night, my legs get extremely antsy! It feels like I need to go running they get so antsy. However, if I take my pre-natal within 30 minutes they chill out. I read that it has to do with the iron. Either way, it works.
Movements have changed from individual movements to feeling simultaneous movements in two different spots. Like I will feel something toward my right side up by my ribs, and at the same time another movement on the left side of my belly button. It's the weirdest, yet most wonderful feeling in the world.
Disappearing belly button, baby bump, nails and hair growing like weeds, baby movements (the best!) and my boobs have drastically increased.
Occasional swelling of my feet and hands. Especially my right foot.
We were also able to use our gift cards from the showers and coupons from the mail to buy Coraline the baby monitor and swing. :-] All the big ticket items are officially DONE!
About the Board:
Pregnancy/Maternity Fashion:
36 Weeks
Plus side, they said it is actually easier to deliver a big baby than a small baby. Sounds counter-intuitive, just like MOST smaller frames/skinny girls tend to show later than bigger girls because the skin and everything isn't as pre-stretched out [I am sure there are more scientific reasons, but that is what the books say]. It just sounds like it should be the other way around, right? That is no joke either. I have a friend who is 26 weeks and she seriously looks like me when I was 21 weeks. I think most women use their "gut"/bloating as their initial growing bump. lol No judgement though, each to their own.
Labor scare above
Her sitting painfully low.
Ligament spasms? They are super loose in my groin area and sometimes spasm or cramp as I am walking. It feels hella weird and kind of unpleasant.
Braxton Hicks! Yay.
Very small bladder...very. small.
Baby hiccups
If I don't take my prenatal vitamin at night, my legs get extremely antsy! It feels like I need to go running they get so antsy. However, if I take my pre-natal within 30 minutes they chill out. I read that it has to do with the iron. Either way, it works.
Movements have changed from individual movements to feeling simultaneous movements in two different spots. Like I will feel something toward my right side up by my ribs, and at the same time another movement on the left side of my belly button. It's the weirdest, yet most wonderful feeling in the world.
Disappearing belly button, baby bump, nails and hair growing like weeds, baby movements (the best!) and my boobs have drastically increased.
Occasional swelling of my feet and hands. Especially my right foot.
This week was way too chaotic for me! The labor scare, learning her weight, pre-natal massage...I need a nap just writing about it all.
Saturday, August 24, 2013
35 Weeks & Pain Coping Mechanisms
How far along? 35 Weeks
Her sitting painfully low.
Ligament spasms? They are super loose in my groin area and sometimes spasm or cramp as I am walking. It feels hella weird and kind of unpleasant.
Braxton Hicks! Yay.
Very small bladder...very. small.
Baby hiccups
If I don't take my prenatal vitamin at night, my legs get extremely antsy! It feels like I need to go running they get so antsy. However, if I take my pre-natal within 30 minutes they chill out. I read that it has to do with the iron. Either way, it works.
Movements have changed from individual movements to feeling simultaneous movements in two different spots. Like I will feel something toward my right side up by my ribs, and at the same time another movement on the left side of my belly button. It's the weirdest, yet most wonderful feeling in the world.
Disappearing belly button, baby bump, nails and hair growing like weeds, baby movements (the best!) and my boobs have drastically increased.
Occasional swelling of my feet and hands. Especially my right foot.
I also had another dream about Coraline - love those! All I can remember is once she was born they put her on my chest to hold. She cried for a bit, but once she felt the warmth of Henry and myself she began to sooth herself and calm down. Once she was calm she opened her eyes. She had the most mesmerizing emerald green eyes!! They were gorgeous. I remember looking down and just being dumbfounded by how beautiful her eyes were. Green eyes are a definite possibility since my mom has green eyes, so we will see! :-)
We also decided to play music for her this week and see what she liked. First we picked a mutual favorite band - A Perfect Circle. She moved toward the music and seemed to like being pressed up against it. We then tried Blake Shelton and Josh Abbott - she moved away from those. Henry then tried Turnpike Troubadors, another favorite with lots of fiddle music and she pressed herself up against the music. We played Sublime, another rock band, and another country song - she stayed away from all those too. We played another fiddle-heavy song and she pressed up against it. We got a big kick out of it! Every song heavy on the fiddle she LOVED. She just keeps getting more and more perfect every week. :-)
About the Board:
Pregnancy/Maternity Fashion:
Friday, August 23, 2013
34 Weeks
Exhaustion! Absolutely exhausted.
Braxton Hicks! Yay.
Very small bladder...very. small.
Baby hiccups
If I don't take my prenatal vitamin at night, my legs get extremely antsy! It feels like I need to go running they get so antsy. However, if I take my pre-natal within 30 minutes they chill out. I read that it has to do with the iron. Either way, it works.
Movements have changed from individual movements to feeling simultaneous movements in two different spots. Like I will feel something toward my right side up by my ribs, and at the same time another movement on the left side of my belly button. It's the weirdest, yet most wonderful feeling in the world.
Disappearing belly button, baby bump, nails and hair growing like weeds, baby movements (the best!) and my boobs have drastically increased.
Occasional swelling of my feet and hands. Especially my right foot.
About the Board:
She is roughly 5 lbs and the size of a small pumpkin. I really need to take a step back, I didn't realize my usual spot is starting to interfere with the board. Oopsie!
Pregnancy/Maternity Fashion:
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Pregnancy Hormones & Cervical Checks
Today I am officially 38 weeks & 2 days! Holy guacamole where has the time gone?!
First, when they say the "nesting" kicks in, that is no joke. If you keep wondering, "I wonder when mine will kick in?" Dont worry it will. Nesting is up there right along with "panic", only a good panic, in my opinion.
Today was my 2nd cervical check. Yippee!
The first one was pretty great. Slightly uncomfortable, but I was 2cm dilated and the doc was ecstatic. She warned me of slight spotting and cramping, but no biggie unless it goes longer than 24 hours. ..or my water breaks or contractions intensified. She also didnt expect me to go up to my due date. Even better! We can't wait to meet our Little Lady anyway
Fast forward to today, check #2. I am a good 2.5 maybe 3 & 70% effaced. But she "feels" a bit higher than last time, and "Holy Guacamole did that hurt, you can stop now!". That hurt WAY more than the first time. WTH was so different?? Again, warned of slight spotting and cramping.
What was so different? This time it hurt and this time there was a lot of "spotting" which was more like the beginning of a period, but "normal" and lots of irregular contractions.
I felt extremely traumatized every time I went to use the restroom and saw more blood - knowing it wasn't natural and more "inflicted".
I became extremely irritable and emotional - which thank the Lord has not been the case this entire pregnancy. My husband can probably count all my emotional days or meltdown days on one hand. I have had an extremely happy pregnancy for the most part. Today felt like it made up for all those lacking. To top it off, it was the last day of Birth Boot Camp. I love Birth Boot Camp, its been a wonderful learning experience and has really helped my husband and I communicate. Towards the end of the class though, irregular contractions began. What made it worse, this was the ONE class I didnt bring my swiss ball and was uncomfortably sitting on the floor.
I felt like everyone was staring at me and they jusy knew I was having contractions. Which in reality I am sure no one noticed, or cared, not to mention THEY ARE ALL PREGNANT TOO! Yet, here I was squirming on the floor, avoiding eye contact and felt like everyone was staring. I did not like having contractions in public. I wanted to be in the comfort of my home, dimmed lights, with just Henry soothing me.
Finally, the class ended and of course everyone wanted to say goodbye and good luck. I felt like I was going to burst into tears any time I began to open my mouth and in all honesty wanted to dash out of ther unnoticed. Henry had developed a few friends and began to chat, I stayed back swaying through my silent contractions. Then one of the husband's kindly say, "Well you could go any day, you excited?" And I burst into tears!!!! So. Embarassing! Henry was so confused, and as I held my head down, crying and scurrying away, I heard Henry apologize on my behalf and the husband being very understanding.
Once I reached the car I just bawled! Henry was so confused! I was certain I had not only embarassed myself, but him too. He silently rubbed my head as he drove us home and listened to me bawl and ramble off emotional jibberish. He acted frustrated at first, but finally as I settled in on my swiss ball he came up and just wrapped me in a big bear hug...immediately I felt so much better. He proceeded to put his lense-less ray bans on Buddha which sent me in hysterical laughter. We talked about what I was feeling and came to the resolution that I was going to deny any further cervical exams unless I go past my due date. If they wouldnt let me refuse them, well then I will just keep rescheduling until hospital time. Haha
Needless to say, today has been very emotionally exhausting and I am so thankful our AC will finally be replaced tomorrow so I can just lounge at the house all day and relax!
Friday, August 9, 2013
Labor Fears: C-Section
Today in our birth boot camp class we learned a lot about c-sections and various complications that can occur during labor. It was a very emotionally trying class, for me at least.
We got to watch a generic home c-section video filmed by the father to be. It was slightly traumatic for me to watch and took everything I had in me to not start bawling! To see how the doctors manhandled the baby, stuck a suctioning tube down the crying babies nose and throat repeatedly, then hold the baby over the curtain, "say hi mom", then whisked away to do standard checks and even more suctioning while the newborn cried and tried to push hands away...ugh it was terrible! Like one of those horror movies where you have the urge to yell, "Don't open the door!" Or "Dont go in there!" Only I wanted to yell, "Leave that damn baby alone!"
It made me realize I dont fear an epidural, I truly fear a c-section. I have had 3 separate procedures where I have woken up in the middle of, and 2 procedures where local anesthesia has worn off, or just never kicked in. Maybe that's one subconscious reason I don't care about the epidural, because I figure it won't work anyway.
I want to hold my baby and breastfeed after delivery. I want the cord to stay attached until it stops pumping. I want to endure/experience natural labor because I know my body can handle it.
Today's class made me realize my true fear of labor, but was very empowering at the same time. Either way, I know God has already determined my birth plan and the story of Coralines delivery, and I need to have faith that regardless of how she is born, the ultimate goal is a healthy baby.
"I will not cause pain without allowing something new to be born, says the lord." Isaiah 66:9
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Real World, Real Problems
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
33 Weeks
Exhaustion! Absolutely exhausted.
Braxton Hicks! Yay.
Learned I am allergic to cocoa butter.
Hips hurt. Especially my right hip.
If I don't take my prenatal vitamin at night, my legs get extremely antsy! It feels like I need to go running they get so antsy. However, if I take my pre-natal within 30 minutes they chill out. I read that it has to do with the iron. Either way, it works.
Movements have changed from individual movements to feeling simultaneous movements in two different spots. Like I will feel something toward my right side up by my ribs, and at the same time another movement on the left side of my belly button. It's the weirdest, yet most wonderful feeling in the world.
Disappearing belly button, baby bump, nails and hair growing like weeds, baby movements (the best!) and my boobs have drastically increased.
Frequent bathroom visits
Occasional swelling of my feet and hands. Especially my right foot.
About the Board:
Pregnancy/Maternity Fashion:
Belt from a local boutique.
Wedges are Gianni Bini - my absolute favorite shoe designer and he by far has the most comfortable heels/wedges, especially for 33 weeks preggo!
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Photos courtesy of my Uncle Warren |
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Photos courtesy of my Uncle Warren |