For my bachelorette party, the girls agreed to go to Austin for the weekend. We got two hotel rooms for all the guests invited, each room sleeping 6 girls comfortably, more if needed.
It was the weekend of a Texas home game, and everything was packed!
Friday night consisted of my Maid of Honor/Sister, 2 Bridesmaids (Danni and Audrey), and girlfriends, Marina and Ashley. We had intended to have a chill night, sitting in the hotel drinking wine and playing games. However, at the last minute we decided to head to the infamous 6th Street!
Everyone got dressed rather quickly, then we went to call a cab.
Unfortunately, it was a home game weekend, which meant no last minute cabs available! We waited for about an hour and still no cab. We were getting anxious and restless.
THEN, in comes Jose.
Jose waltzes into the hotel completely unaware that 6 girls are about to high-jack him and his van. He asks the front desk if there are any available rooms and is sadly informed they are booked.
You can tell he was exhausted.
Our friend Ashley boldly asks Jose, "Hey can you take us to 6th Street?".
Now we are all pretty intelligent women, and have all been raised to never get in the car with strangers. YET here we all were piling into Jose's white van, which wreaked of wet dog, to drive about 10 minutes to 6th Street...or so we hoped.
Marina, being the most level-headed of the group, snaps a picture of Jose's license plate. She text the picture to her husband letting him know if anything happens, this is what we were last seen in. HAHA. Comforting.
Ashley and I in Jose's van - No idea why I am so orange?! |
Ashley, now officially "Jose's secretary", makes a few phone calls on the way and reserves Jose a hotel room on the path to his home-town on the outskirts of Austin.
We arrive safely at 6th Street!
Ashley was the best to have around that night. She would walk right up to a bar, the door guy of course wants a bunch of girls in his bar/club, and offers us "$3 shots, $2 shots, $1 shots".....
"No Deal!" Ashley says and we all walk off.
Without fail, the door guy yells after us, "FREE SHOTS! FREE SHOTS!"
"DEAL!" replies Ashley.
We all turn around, go into the bar/club, take our free shots, dance a song or two, and out we go to the next bar where the exact scenario repeats until the end of the night.
We took entirely too many alcoholic drinks in the short 1-2 hours we were there.
One bar we chose to go into had a bachelor party. Of course bachelor parties and bachelorette parties have to mesh!
As soon they recognize the bachelorette party the guys are all yelling, "Heeeeyyy!"
Then like a lightening bolt, out dashes the groom!!! Out of the bar, into the street, out of sight.
Ummmmmm? Is he ok!?
None of the groomsmen or friends are phased and continue on with their drinking. Great friends!
Ashley finds a chair somewhere and the lap dances begin!
I was completely shocked! As you can see from my facial expressions haha!
Ashley begins the lap dances, followed by the rest of the bachelorettes, then came the groomsmen of the other party and a few randoms.
It was absolutely hilarious. 99.9% of guys have absolutely no rhythm what-so-ever, but you can bet your bottom these guys were giving it their all.
At least they tried. :-P
The last bar we ended in was quite interesting. I had some very flamboyant guy hip bumping me most of the night, another guy was promising my sister the world and love at first sight, then another we were pretty sure was trying to slip my soon-to-be-sister-in-law a drugged drink.
Did I mention all three of those guys were in the same group?
They were quite weird. Yet we got quite a few laughs out of them, and free drinks.
The guy promising my sister the world bought me TWO GINORMOUS Jager-bombs.
That was entirely way too much Jager.
I entrusted my always faithful girlfriend, Danni, to help me down these Jager-Bombs.
She is such a trooper!! I adore her!
After the Jager-Bombs, it was GOOOOODNIGHT.
That was the icing on the cake.
We walked around trying to find a cab, and yet again none were available. It took us near two hours to get back to the hotel. We were beat.
In hind-sight, we should've played the games. HA!
It would've been much better for our health.