
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Prepping For Baby Coraline

Preparing for this baby has not been easy by any means. They say you will never be fully prepared for a baby, and that is no joke. What makes it harder for us is we have been temporarily displaced from the tornado that hit our home back on May 15th!! The insurance is just being so incredibly difficult.  National Lloyd is great when they are taking your money, but when it comes time for them to do their job and help you out, GOOD LUCK!!

Needless to say, we are slowly chipping away at all the items we need to do and trying to complete the nursery bit by bit in a house that can't get below 80 degrees. 

We had two fabulous baby showers back to back weekends,  detailed blog posts about those to come, so our house looks like Babies r Us threw up in it at this point.  My aunt warned me that baby items would take over your house, but this is a bit ridiculous.  Haha
Once we get the nursery in better shape I know we can get things in there better organized, but right now our living room is one giant storage room. 

We were blessed to get almost all our big ticket items from very generous family members and friends, such as our car seat, extra car seat base, pack & play,  baby bath tub, stroller, bouncer & breast pump. The only things remaining are the crib bedding, baby monitor and swing. 

The crib bedding is going to be a dual sided dedign which I absolutely can't wait to share! A friend recommended a local lady to sew it all for us and she really came up with a great idea.

Our to-do list still entails:
Getting our A/C repaired!! D*** insurance!
Packing hospital bag
Washing all baby items/clothes
Touching up nursery fishscale wall
Hanging nursery decor
Getting the remaining big ticket items
Cleaning my car out to put the carseat in for the hospital
Finalizing our birth plan
Registering with the hospital
Catching up on chalkboard pregnancy posts!

I think that covers it?

Feeling pretty overwhelmed.  Haha

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