
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Fabulous Fruit Salad

             One thing I have learned during this "Get Fit for the Wedding" process is fruit is a fabulous pre-workout snack! Per my Women's Health magazine subscription a fruit smoothie is the perfect pre-workout, energy packed snack! Especially if you are a morning work-out kind of girl, fruit = best breakfast pre-workout. This made me think of my fruit salad recipe I've been making for a good 3 years now and thought I would share this delightful, easy, fruit filled recipe that can double as a snack & dessert to satisfy any stubborn sweet-tooth trying to steer you off track! :-)

{fruit can vary on season, and particular taste, be creative!}
{1} Package of fresh strawberries ($3.49) - organic are best since strawberries absorb pesticides and chemicals easier than other berries
{2} Package of Blackberries ($0.99)
{3} Package of blueberries ($4.99)
{4} Naval Orange (already had)
{5} Lemon (already had)
{6} 2 bananas (already had)
{7} 3/4 cup Powdered Sugar (already had)
{8} 2 mixing bowls
{9} Whisk or fork

{1} Start by washing all fruit, cutting tops off strawberries and slicing bananas, then mixing in a large mixing bowl or bowl appropriate for amount of fruit purchased
{2} In a separate bowl, squeeze juice of 1 naval orange, juice of 1/2 lemon, and add 3/4 cups of powdered sugar - whisk ingredients together until powdered sugar is dissolved. {feel free to subtract some powdered sugar - lemon & orange juice keep fruit from browning}
{3} Pour sauce over fruit and toss to coat fruit
{4} OPTIONAL: To make into an even sweeter dessert, try making homemade whipped cream! All you need is heavy whipping cream and regular sugar! Pour heavy whipping cream into a mixing bowl and with an electric mixer on low level, mix in sugar until it becomes thick and fluffy! Too thick? Add more heavy whipping cream. Too runny? Add more sugar! :-)

         Top your fruit salad with a tablespoon of homemade whipped cream and you have yourself a semi-healthy dessert! :-P Especially with summer arriving here in Texas, this is my go-to snack! It's delicious! Holds up well for about 3 days covered in the fridge. Great for parties, showers, days by the pool, at the lake, at the beach...and don't forget, the pre-workout snack. Super easy too!

Fruit additions: Apple, pear, raspberries, red bananas, grapes - most any fruit is a great addition!
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