
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

{DIY Glitter Keys} Never Confuse Your Keys Again!

Here is a simple, fun DIY craft! This took me at most 10-15 minutes.

{Craft Reasoning}
I have a ton of silver keys on my keychain: 1} My house key 2} My parent's house key 3} Our garage door key 4} I am not quite sure where this key leads to HA!
Needless to say, this leads to a bit of fumbling around + trial & error at the front door. Not fun when your hands are full or you need to get the restroom STAT - which after my hour long commute home, is typically my reasoning for rushing inside - so here is my quick, easy, fun fix!

1} Mod Podge
2} Marth Stewart Ultra Fine Glitter - # of keys = # of glitter colors
3} Wax Paper for work surface
4} Paint Brush
5} KEYS!

1} Using the Mod Podge on the Mod Podge lid, I dabbed my paint brush in and painted on a thin coat onto the top part of my first key on both sides- careful to not get in the grooves that go into the key hole 2} After sprinkling a little bit of colored glitter onto my work surface I "dunked/dabbed" my key into the glitter pile - pressing the glitter onto the key with my finger to fill any holes & shaking off any excess  3} I then painted on a thin, THIN, layer of mod podge to kind of seal the glitter coat 4} I used my finger-nail to push on the mod podge/glitter mix to create a straight edge at the bottom 5} Set on wax paper to dry 6} Admire your beautiful, unique keys & smile knowing there will no longer be any confusion! Given you remember which color leads to which door :-P

{Photos of the Process}


  1. Replies
    1. Gah! That's what I get for playing around with my layout! Ha
      They should be there now. Thank you!! :-)


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