
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Glittery Pumpkin!

As you may know, or may not know, I love glitter/sequins/sparkle. I guess I don't just love it, I am slightly obsessed. If it weren't for my fiance, my house would probably look like a glitter fairy took over. As I was browsing Hobby Lobby for tulle to make my birthday tutu I came across a bare pumpkin just begging me to cover it in glitter! Lucky for me, and probably my fiance, it was the last and only $5 pumpkin! Just as Henry was about to get his dining room table back from my "Will you be my..." Card mess, along came my glittery pumpkin task!

1. Mod Podge/Decoupage
2. Glitter
3. Pumpkin
4. Paint brush
5. Foil lined bowl

I had decoupage from previous decoupage projects, so I used decoupage - mod podge is the exact same thing, just different "brand". For large surfaces, regular glitter is fine. However, for small areas and detailing try Martha Stewarts Ultra Fine glitter - it is truly amazing!

I lined a bowl with foil to preserve my mixing bowl. Add a bit of decoupage + glitter to the bowl and mix. You can't go wrong with proportions, just enough glitter to get a good base coat. The decoupage will try clear, leaving your sparkly glitter!
Foil lined bowl with gold glitter mix

Start painting your pumpkin with the glitter + glue mix. Before the mixture dries, sprinkle a coat of glitter on top of the wet glitter + glue mix on your pumpkin. Use your finger to pat/press the loose glitter into the wet glue, tapping off any excess glitter afterward. Continue repeating this process until the entire pumpkin is covered. Allow to dry and look it over to see if there are any spots that need touch-ups.

After 1st coat of glitter/glue mix

After 2nd coat of glitter/glue mix - I went on for a 3rd coat, with slight touch-ups

On mine I did a gold pumpkin, black stem, and black in the crevices of the pumpkin - however the options are endless! Decorate yours however you wish and let your creativity show! XoXo

Finished product with my $1 blinky ghost from Target

Another shot of the finished Pumpkin sitting on our entertainment center :-)


  1. Good job woman! Can you make me one and just mail it to me? :)

  2. I think you should've made more of these and given them as CHRISTMAS GIFTS!!! I'd love to have home-made holiday decorations!!!



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