
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wedding Inspired Wednesdays {No 1}

       I figured the best way to organize my scattered wedding thoughts was to have a "wedding day". I am constantly browsing wedding magazines, websites, blogs, etc - so naturally I have a lot of photos saved. Every Wednesday, starting this one, I will blog about wedding inspirations. :-) Newest inspiration, AQUA BEADS! Henry and I attended the Dallas Bridal Show this past Sunday and it seemed that EVERYONE had aqua beads incorporated into their decorations one way or another. Unfortunately, I have no photos from the bridal show since I was greeted with, "Hello, may I check your purse?" - I gave the guy a rather confused look while saying, "Yeaaaaa" - He then says, "Do you have any guns, knives or cameras?" - "Um, I have a camera?" - rather odd to clump a camera in with guns and knives - "No cameras allowed." - So I had to check-in my camera and pick it up on the way out because the "designers" didn't want anyone "stealing" their ideas. REALLY!? I thought going to these was to give you ideas! If you don't want pictures, put a dang sign "No Pictures Please". Ugh. Anyway....

Clear aqua beads - By High Fire Designs

A close up of the clear aqua beads by High Fire Designs

A candle vase inside another vase - with aqua beads! :-) I also like the use of
the ribbon and beads to dress up the vase.
           The one that first caught my eye was a clear, tall vase - it had purple/white orchids that seemed to be floating in the vase, perfectly placed, undisturbed, and topped with a candle. It seemed so elegant and peaceful. The lady noticed my interest and said, "Grab one!" I looked at her rather confused as she dips her hand in the vase to pull out a handful of what look like clear marbles! I go to grab one and it slips out of my hand - AQUA BEADS - they look like marbles, yes, but are soft, and slimy like tapioca balls!! So cool! The guy had placed some beads in the vase, place a flower, more beads, another flower, so forth - then filled it with water! The clear beads blended in and looks invisible - hence the perfect floating flowers! A lot of vendors had them, including another designer called High Fire Designs. The lady who owns this business is super friendly, an environmentalist - she recycles and/or re-uses all her designs - and nicely priced!! She was even willing to work with us even though our venue is 2 hours away.

I love, love, LOVE the lace with the brooch

I love the brooch idea for the "something blue, something borrowed" - my great-grandma is allowing me to use her brooches for my wedding - some are over 50 years old!!

     Inspiration numero DOS - MyLivePhotos! We have all seen the typical photo-booths done time and time again. I must admit, I was 2 months away from booking my very own photo-booth - until I met these 3 guys! They have a giant backdrop, endless props, two 46" plasma TVs, a fancy camera, and a clicker! Here is how it works, they set up the back drop, props off to the side, one plasma faces you to where you can see yourself based on what the camera on top sees, and the 2nd plasma faces the "audience" or guests of your event. Either you, or one of the 3 guys, holds the clicker and BOOM instant interactive "photo-booth". I gave my bridesmaids the vote and MyLivePhotos won 3 to 1. Photos are posted online that night on their site, easy click, save and downloads for everyone, and we get a CD of the photos as well. The only drawback is no photo guest book - which I REALLY wanted. Which brings me to inspiration Drei (that is 3 in german =]).

No idea where Henry is looking, but we loved the photos!

I attempted to have a sneak attack with my carnation - but Henry was able to see me on the plasma
and stop me mid-attack
     Wishing Tree! I think this is a pretty sentimental way to have people sign in, as opposed to a traditional guest book. Also, knowing our friends, we will get some pretty interesting "wishes". haha The Wishing Tree also comes in a nice protective case, held together with a screw post - a coffee table piece. OR I could take those well wishes and make my own "scrapbook guestbook", and post the wish card next to one of their goofy photos from MyLivePhotos - yet another coffee table piece. haha

Wishing Tree image from

Another wishing tree image from :-)
These are my basic inspirations for the week. :-) Hope you enjoy them and possibly get some ideas for your future wedding or event. If you know of any other inspirations, feel free to share! I love new ideas. :-)


  1. Awesome. You can get these aqua beads at a garden center...they are useful and beautiful!

    You are too!

    I love all of the ideas and centerpieces. Gorgeous!

  2. I got a card from a lady that sells the aqua beads in all different colors, one tiny $2 bag fills 2 big vases. They start off the size of little pellets, then 8 hours of soaking in water = marble sized beads. I want them to just have in my house and play with! lol


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